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Healthy competition in any type of market is framed within the parameters that seek to establish the types of supply and demand, depending on the area in which the commercial relationships are found.
In the context of companies dedicated to the scientific study of life, its evolution, its nature and applied scientific methods. Antitrust legislation has been strengthened due to the expansion of companies dedicated to the promotion and innovation of systems that study life.
The premise of the free market sometimes remains only theoretical, therefore the implementation of platforms that provide legal certainty for the expansion of these companies is necessary.
In the United States, this system of protection is more advanced than in other countries, since the coercive system of the law is much better implemented. U.S. criminal and administrative law has been in charge of providing legal security to this type of companies.
The exchange of information between these companies has led to an increase in unfair competition, resulting in the creation of new anti-monopoly laws, at least in the West, which satisfy the interests of companies dedicated to the study of human life, i.e. pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, disease research centers; in which efforts are focused on improving lifestyles, not making them worse.
A monopoly of science brings with itself the evaluation of the policies that should be implemented in the management of the competencies and consumer relations of the companies dedicated to the study of life.The global legislation must be adapted to the evaluation of the market systems in this field and the corresponding sanctions must be applied in accordance with the law.